Oil spill update: Straddie fisheries safe

Stradbroke Island fisheries are healthy and oil and toxin free following the devasting oil spill off Moreton Island. 

In March MV Pacific Adveturer dumped 250 tonnes of oil, which washed up on the Sunshine Coast, Bribie Island and Moreton Island.

Despite the damage to Moreton Island, the fishing industry based aroud Point Lookout, including local oyster leases, has not been affected.

Local fishermen say they are thankful their livelihood has been spared and hope the public will keep supporting them by buying local seafood.

Fisheries safe ... a trawler off Point Lookout. 
Overloaded? ... containers are stacked high on a ship off Point Lookout. 
More than 2500 people worked to clean up Moreton Island’s beaches, which were re‐ opened in May.

An independent review of the spill and the authorities’ response has been set up. We hope any recommendations it makes will be implemented to stop this from happening again.

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