Latest island news in brief

New owner for CRL
Stradbroke silica sand miner Unimin Australia, subsidiary of a Belgian-based private mining company, is the new majority shareholder of island sand miner CRL (Consolidated Rutile Ltd). 

CRL dry mining on NSI (Photo: CRL Image Library). 
CRL’s previous majority owner Iluka (51%) agreed to sell its holding to Unimin, which already owned 19% of CRL’s shares.

The Foreign Investment Review Board approved the transaction. Unimin’s plans for CRL are unknown. 

Facelift for hall
The Point Lookout Hall is set for a facelift.

The State Government recently announced it would provide $284,000 to Redlands City Council to help renovate the hall.

Council had previously allocated significant funds to the project.

Thanks to Councillor Craig Ogilivie and former State member Phil Weightman for their help in securing this funding.
Café land grab?
FOSI has opposed moves by the owners of the Look café to expand its floor space onto public land.
The Look café in Mintee St. 
The owners of the Mintee Street café have applied to the State Department of Environment and Resource Management to build a deck over a section of vegetated road reserve next to the footpath.

FOSI believes this is inappropriate as it would adversely affect pedestrian access and the vegetation it contains is important to the character of the precinct.
A sign about the expansion. 
Imagine what will happen to the amenity of the Point if other private land owners were permitted to extend their homes into adjacent road reserves!

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