Expired mining leases should not be renewed

Mining leases on NSI were granted in a bygone era –

by a Bjelke-Petersen national party Government with very different attitudes to the environment than the current Government.

when public perception of and attitudes to mining in fragile environments were quite different.

when NSI was much further from the major population centres. Redlands was still a rural area yet to undergo urbanisation and Brisbane was of much smaller dimensions. Now it is on the door step of a substantial population which is ever increasing.

Dredge Mine, concentrator (CRL image library).
Now a unique opportunity for the government to act!

There are a large number of mining leases that have expired and FOSI and others are opposing the renewal of all such expired leases. The ALP Governments have been proposing to develop extensive National Parks on NSI since 1990. In that time, the population of greater Brisbane has more than doubled, creating a much greater need for green space and more National Parks. 

Sand mining on North Stradbroke Island (CRL image library).
Is it time to end sand mining on Stradbroke Island?

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