Media Corrections of Misreporting of Sand Mining Extensions

Members will recall that the media and others were misled by the Government into reporting that last November’s Newman government amendments to the North Stradbroke Protection and Sustainability Act 2011 extended island sand mining leases to 2035.

Some media outlets have made corrections to earlier reports after realising they had been misled by the Government. Below are links to two corrections so far, with the published editors’ notes :-

ABC Correction

Editors note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that the sand mining leases on North Stradbroke Island are due to finish by 2035 after the State Government extended the leases held by sand mining company Sibelco last year. The State Government's amendments are intended to allow sand mining to be extended again to 2035, however the legislation does not permit Sibelco to make the applications to renew the relevant leases until 2019.

Guardian Correction

Editor's note: Under the 2013 amendments to the North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Act, a lease extension cannot be sought until a year before the current lease expires at the end of 2019. Because the Queensland Parliament could change the law again before then, a lease extension to 2035 is currently potential not certain, and this article was amended accordingly on 24 July 2014.

Independent Australia

The editor made two corrections, one involving correcting inaccurate commentary about the former’s Government’s 2011 sand mining legislation and the other involving correcting inaccurate commentary on the Newman government amendments.

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