Out of sight, out of mind no more: letter writers call for end to destruction on Straddie

The Courier-Mail's coverage of the destruction wrought by sand mining on North Stradbroke Island sparked a flurry of letter writing to the newspaper and the State Government.

Here are a few extracts:
One wonders what the late Oodgeroo Noonuccal would have to say about the extensive sand mining on her homeland... The aerial shots of areas being mined (C-M, Aug 15-16) were staggering
 Claire Jolliffe, Buderim. C-M 17 August 2009. 

...some of the mining leases have expired and are not yet renewed. What a golden opportunity for the Government to implement the ALP's long-held proposal to convert extensive areas into national parks. I defy anyone who has the long-term interest of the island at heart to justify the destruction of the continuing sand mining.
Elinor Drake, Point Lookout. C-M 18 August 2009. 

The public debate about the future of NSI should not be about whether mining is good or bad per se. It should be about what use of the island's resources will best benefit Queenslanders. . . If we don't stop mining, quarrying and urbanisation on areas like this now... there will not be enough open space in the south-east for future generations.
Robert Magdics, Bardon C-M 22-23 August 2009. 

People don't realise that, over the past 50 years, nearly half of NSI has been clear-felled and mined. It can never go back to what it was but we have a chance to keep what is left intact.
David Hannan, Dunwich. C-M 17 August 2009. 

The Government could stop the devastation tomorrow. Some of the leases have been expired for quite some time yet the destruction of the island is being allowed to continue. 
Sue Ellen Carew FOSI. C-M 22-23 August 2009. 

Rejecting a proposed $1.5 billion resort development at Inskip Point of the Fraser Coast, Premier Anna Bligh said the ancient dune system had to be protected ... On Stradbroke, the miner doesn't even have to put the dunes back where they were before or in the same shape. 
Fran Quinn, C-M 22-23 August 2009. 

The Queensland Government has committed to a National Park target of 7.5 per cent by 2020, of which North Stradbroke Island is a key component. It is also recognised that mining is an integral component of the economy...
Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy The Hon Stephen Robertson MP, 23/9/09.

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