E-mail to Premier with Save Straddie message

Save Straddie email blast campaign.

Thank you to all FOSI members who forwarded the e-mail flyer shown above, otherwise known as an e-blast, calling for an end to sand mining on North Stradbroke Island to the Premier.

It's not too late to email your copy to the Premier and to encourage all of your friends, family and neighbours to do the same. Also, if you have a Facebook site please posts the flyer there too. Or, if you like write to the Premier directly:
The Hon. Anna Bligh MP
Premier of Queensland

PO Box 15185
City East  QLD  4002
or via contact form.

We are pleased to have the support of leading Queensland environmental groups in our campaign to bring an end to sand mining. A big thanks to the following organisations who have distributed the flyer to their members, spread the word about the on-going destruction of North Stradbroke Island via their websites and newsletters and alerted the media to the loss of precious green space:
  • Queensland Conservation Council

  • Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland
FIDO (Fraser Island Defenders Organisation)

  • MIPC (Moreton Island Protection Committee)

  • CARP (Community Alliance for Responsible Planning Redlands). 

These groups are encouraging their members to send the e-blast to the Premier and to forward it to their friends, family and contacts so they can do the same. This will increase the pressure on the Government “to do the right thing”.

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