FOSI Comments on Naree Budjong Djara Draft Management Plan July 2020

Friends of Stradbroke Island Association Inc. PO Box 167 POINT LOOKOUT, Q 4183 ABN: 37 521 315 877 E: 3rd July 2020 Comments on Naree Budjong Djara Draft Management Plan General Comments • Friends of Stradbroke Island (FOSI) welcomes the opportunity to make comments on this draft management plan. FOSI is supportive of the partnership between QYAC and the Queensland government to manage the Naree Budjong Djara national park and associated protected areas on Minjerribah. We acknowledge that the Native Title determination of 2011 underpins this partnership and we believe that partnership with the Native Title holders is the appropriate way to ensure the best management and outcomes for Minjerribah, its environment, its people and their culture. • FOSI is generally supportive of the draft plan but does have concerns and suggestions about some aspects, as outlined below. We feel that the plan is quite general in its framing and would therefore like to ...