Corruption Fighter Tony Fitzgerald takes on Newman Government over Stradbroke

Reported in the weekend's Brisbane Times and Courier Mail (front page), Corruption Fighter Tony Fitzgerald QC has made a scathing assessment of the Newman government, in which he made mention of Stradbroke Island.

This is an extract:-

"Dishonest members of parliament, nepotism, preferential treatment of supporters, removal of limits on political donations, large-scale public service sackings, a major down-grade of hospital staff conditions, shutting down health and juvenile rehabilitation programs, reduced protection of the environment and support for commercial activities posing a risk of major damage to natural assets including the Great Barrier Reef and Stradbroke Islandtermination of the office of Climate Change and approval of activities involving large-scale emissions, limiting union rights, ill-informed and sometimes invalid criminal laws, changes to electoral laws - an unfortunate reminder of the gerrymanders which gave the National and Liberal Parties an unfair advantage in pre-reform Queensland - and proposed public asset sales provide the background to the government's blitzkrieg on the institutions which protect citizens and inhibit government excess." 

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