NSI Field Guide Update

FOSI Secretary Angela McLeod and her cousin Penny recording notes for the Point Lookout walk from Adder Rock to Main Beach. During the research phase, each walk will be walked several times.
Work on FOSI’s field guide to North Stradbroke Island is progressing well with the project on track. While the production of the field guide is being mostly funded by a fantastic donation from the Jani Haenke Memorial Trust, this is a community project which relies on the generous volunteer contributions of a large number of FOSI members and other people who care about Straddie. Thank you also to the FOSI members who have donated funds to assist with the costs of producing the field guide.

Members and local bush walkers have been hard at work researching the walks and natural areas to be described in the field guide.

Lee Curtis who is helping with the writing of the book has been working on the flora reference section containing around 120 plant photos and descriptions. Lee has also written drafts of the reference sections for the mammals and marine animals which are currently in the expert checking phase. 

Lee Curtis hard at work. Lee is an experienced wildlife writer who regularly writes for Wildlife Australia Magazine. Lee was the project coordinator, chief editor and copywriter under contract to CSIRO Publishing for its comprehensive resource guide entitled: Queensland’s Threatened Animals published in 2012

The bird reference section is well advanced with a good first draft completed and now also in the checking phase. An updated bird list for the island has been compiled and 150 of the most common or significant birds have been described with spotting notes. Thank you to the island birders who have contributed excellent local birding knowledge for the ‘where to spot’ sections. Many generous, bird-loving photographers have donated bird images for the guide, giving us the welcome – but stressful - job of having to choose which beautiful image to use!

If you have any queries about the field guide or would like to assist please contact Mary Barram at mbarram@bigpond.com

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