In brief (April 2010)

Donations please!
Our recent activities to help save Straddie from mining have siphoned away money from our bank account.

Despite some very generous donations and provision of some services free-of-charge from our supportive members, we still need some more money for the campaign.

So if you can donate a little bit of money (or a big bit!!) please make out a cheque to FOSI or make an EFT transfer to the FOSI account.

Gorge walk update
Congratulations to Redlands City Council on its recent upgrade of the North Gorge Walk – a big improvement!
  Date saver – AGM
FOSI’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 3 April at 2.00 pm at the home of Edith and Duncan McPhee, 14 Booran Street, Point Lookout.

Members are urged to attend and to consider offering themselves for election to the Executive and the Committee. Meeting notices and nomination forms have been mailed to members..

Turtle TV stars
Straddie turtles featured on a television current affairs program last month.

Researchers and NSI resident Jenny Truman say more turtles are nesting on the island as climate change makes their traditional nesting sites further north too hot for eggs to survive.

Report koala sitings
Island resident Jan Aldenhoven is collecting information on historical koala sitings on NSI.

Jan wants details of any past sitings, even 50 years ago! This will help researchers better understand the island koala population, its habitat and how it might be changing.

Send information to: PO Box 255, Point Lookout; or e-mail

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